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3 Sugar Factories
3 Power Plants
3 Countries
2 Companies: Alteo and Miwa Sugar
5,606 Employees

CIEL is a key stakeholder in the agro-industry. It owns 20.96% stake of Alteo Limited, a company listed on the Official Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and 20.96% stake in MIWA Sugar Limited, a company listed on the Development Enterprise Market (DEM). Alteo Limited is a leading player in the Agro-business, Energy and Property sectors with an annual turnover of MUR 4.5 billion. MIWA Sugar, through its Tanzanian and Kenyan operations continue to have strong and growing presence in Africa. For the financial year ended 30 June 2024, MIWA Sugar achieved a turnover of MUR 7.8 billion.

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