CIEL Hotels & Resorts

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4 Owned properties in Mauritius through Sunlife
2 Managed 'trophy' assets in Mauritius through Riveo
2 Tour operators
+1,450 Rooms
3,500 Employees Approx.

CIEL Hotels & Resorts regroups all the tourism and hospitality activities of the Group. CIEL owns 50.10% of Sun Limited, a company listed on the Official Market of the Stock Exchange of Mauritius (SEM) and the SEM Sustainability Index. In June 2024, Sun Limited announced its decision to split Sun Limited into two distinct listed companies. On one hand, Sunlife will focus on owner-managed resorts in Mauritius (La Pirogue, Sugar Beach, Long Beach, and Ambre) all operating in the four-to-five-star segments. On the other, Riveo, will manage the asset-luxury resorts, the Shangri-La Le Touessrok, the Four Seasons Resort Mauritius as well as the iconic island Ile aux Cerfs, located off the east coast of Mauritius, which features the world-famous golf course designed by Bernhard Langer.

CIEL in joint venture with Alteo, also owns 50% of Anahita Residences & Villas Ltd, which is operates under the brand Anahita Golf and Spa Resort.

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