Happy International Women's Day


Hansini Bachwa

Lead Business Operations Analyst at MITCO

Our dreams. Our choices. Our actions. It all comes back to embracing our responsibilities. Ainsi va la vie… Women’s Day is a reminder to reflect on how far we’ve come and to keep moving forward: to continue protecting women’s rights, to fight gender discrimination and assigned gender roles, to encourage more meritocracy and allow women in decision-making positions.

I am grateful for the inclusive work culture at CIEL, which encourages professional development and personal fulfilment through collaboration with different clusters of the Group, stimulating brainstorming sessions and learning opportunities.



Jennifer Duval

Accounts Officer at CIEL Head Office

Women deserve to be celebrated every day, not solely on Women's Day. The place they hold in our lives is significant, and this is why their contributions and achievements must be recognised and valued. I am grateful to be sharing my life with great colleagues at CIEL for more than 25 years now, where the atmosphere is so uplifting. The work culture and the people keep me inspired in doing good work. Even though life can be challenging, I think we should always surround ourselves with positive people.



Carmela Ecumoir

Guest Service Agent at Ferney Nature Lodge

I joined La Vallée de Ferney a year ago, as a tour guide of the conservation area. Six months ago, I was given the opportunity to take over on new responsibilities at the Ferney Nature Lodge as the Guest Service Agent. I feel proud to work in an environment that promotes the empowerment of all its team members.
For me, International Women’s Day is a special day where we can make people stop for a while, consider the inequalities women are still facing, and reflect upon what can be done to improve such situations.



Dina Ramgobeen-Gukool

Sustainability Officer at Alteo

It's been more than four years now since I have started my professional journey at Alteo. Working on an estate with men composing the majority of the workforce can sometimes be challenging. Yet, each day is a new opportunity to do better and work together as a team to pursue excellence.
And even if it gets hard sometimes, I believe that there is a light within each one of us that can radiate the whole world.



Tina Sharma

General Manager at C-Lab

As late as the 1950s in some countries women were not even allowed to vote. We’ve all come a long way from there, yet much still remains to be done for gender equality. Young girls and women all around the world still feel pressured with a constant stress that they might not be doing enough either in terms of career advancement or family duties due to growing up in a society with gender defined roles.
To have a day to celebrate and recognise women’s achievements is amazing. In this regard, I believe in the words of Mary Ann Evans (pen name: George Eliot), “it’s never too late to be what you might have been”.
Every day is an opportunity to do more and live to your full potential. My seven-year professional journey at C-Care has been challenging but most importantly, a steep learning curve. I am thankful for CIEL to provide everyone with equal opportunities to learn and grow, based on meritocracy and not gender specifically.



Snigdha Kumar

Head of Planning & Sustainability at Laguna India

My journey in CIEL started as an intern in January 2013 at Laguna India. I was hired as a management Trainee for the Planning department in June 2013. After that, there was no looking back for me. The amazing work culture and the learning environment, with the guidance of my immediate managers and senior management, helped me outgrow my own potential. Within 3 years, I was promoted to the position of Head of Planning. A year into this position, the organisation gave me another opportunity to grow by offering me an additional responsibility to head the Sustainability department. The journey has been amazing, full of ups and downs but never a moment of monotony. I have learnt, grown and now that I am also a leader, I try to teach what I have learnt from my seniors.
Mahatma Gandhi once said, “You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.” I believe every day is Women’s Day. This world is incomplete without women. But unfortunately, the society believes that women are the weaker lot and thus they are sometimes denied equal opportunities or are exploited. So, we had to come up with a day to remind the world what women are capable of doing. All it matters is to give equal opportunities to women and they will pave the way on their own.



Prisca Nairn

Brand & Project Manager at Sun Resorts

If you are dedicated and motivated, your work will speak for itself. I am truly grateful to be doing what I love, which is embracing and enhancing a brand, within a company with meritocracy and an equal opportunity culture.
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.”- Mark Twain
I am a firm believer that regardless of the gender, opportunities should be given to everyone who deserves it. Women’s achievements should be celebrated every day! Today acts as a reminder that women are capable when given the chance.